MentorVet Tech Spotlight: Kellye Berkley BS, LVT, CCFP
Kellye Berkley, BS, LVT, CCFP, is a wonderful MentorVet Tech mentor. She began in our community as a mentee in MV Tech and then decided to start pouring back into other mentees and we are so happy she did! Read below about her vet med journey and why she values being a mentor.
Kellye Berkley, BS, LVT, CCFP
MentorVet Tech Mentor
Kellye, tell us a little bit about your career journey. What do you currently do in veterinary medicine and how did you end up here?
Even from such a young age, I was fully immersed in the world of animal care. I grew up on a cattle farm and knew then I wanted to be a part of veterinary medicine. In 2016, I graduated from the University of TN at Martin with a degree in Veterinary Health Technology. From there I went to work at Auburn University College of Veterinary Medicine. I started as a “floater” technician where I did relief work for all specialties within the hospital. In 2020, I transferred to the AU General Surgery service and found a love in surgery. Along the way, I discovered a love for veterinary mental health and have explored more opportunities in this field of our career.
Why did you choose to be involved with MentorVet?
After experiencing a great deal of burnout early in my career, about 4 years out of school, I decided I needed to change something. I took a deep dive into veterinary mental health and loved it. I completed the MentorVetTech program and was so impressed by the community and education that I knew I wanted to be a part of this awesome community!
Will you share an example of something you and your mentee have discussed?
We got the opportunity to work through some conflict and some frustrating feelings she had regarding the importance of credentialed veterinary technicians in her practice.
What is the most enjoyable aspect of being a mentor?
I have enjoyed chatting with someone outside of my immediate community of veterinary professionals. It’s great to hear other perspectives and collaborate on the best outcome!
What is one thing that you have learned through your time mentoring for MentorVet Tech?
I have been learning how to ask the right questions. Not just about how a person is feeling but also to get a better understanding of their situation.
What is the best piece of advice that you have ever received from a mentor or the best piece of advice that you have ever given?
It’s hard to say, but I have been living by the mantra of doing what serves you best and filling your cup. Whether that’s emotional or how to stay mentally healthy.
Would you recommend volunteering as a mentor for MentorVet to other Veterinarians and Credential Veterinary Technicians?
Absolutely! As a mentor, you can grow just as much as a mentee. I think the mentoring sessions are rewarding and we are learning from each other!
What is your favorite self-care activity?
I love to read, run, spending time with my husband and 2 dogs, and my favorite self-care is my 6-step skincare routine!
Thank you for sharing with us, Kellye!
We are so grateful for her support in MentorVet Tech!