May 2023 MentorVet Tech Mentor of the Month: Christine Mundy
We are highlighting the wonderful Christine Mundy as our first veterinary technician to receive the MentorVet Tech Mentor of the Month!
Christine Mundy, snuggling a patient in the endoscopy suite
MentorVet Tech Mentor
As we have piloted our MentorVet Tech program this spring, we have met so many amazing new mentors! Christine Mundy is a fantastic addition to our community.
Alyssa Mages, our MentorVet Tech Director, BS, CVT, shared that Christine’s compassion for patients is second only to that of her colleagues. She is dedicated and determined to leave this world better than she found it. Christine’s sense of humor always lightens the mood.
One of lead MentorVet Tech facilitators, Mariel Hendricks, BS, RVT, shared, “Christine’s dedication and participation in the mentorship tech program is above and beyond expectations. She is an awesome example of what MentorVet Tech is needing for our young technicians!”
Read below about her journey in vet med and why she wanted to be a mentor with us!
Christine, tell us a little bit about your career journey. What do you currently do in veterinary medicine and how did you end up here?
I am currently the Lead Internal Medicine nurse at a specialty and emergency hospital outside of Philadelphia. I also work one day a week in Cardiology. I started as a kennel tech at age 16 at my local animal hospital and then went to school to earn my bachelor's degree in veterinary technology. I've worked at three different hospitals since I received my license and I've been at my current hospital for almost nine years.
Why did you choose to be involved with MentorVet?
I love this field and I'm always happy to share my experiences as well as help others on their own journey.
Will you share an example of something you and your mentee have discussed?
We’ve talked about ways to cope with the stressors of our job, either on the management side or the client/patient side.
What is the most enjoyable aspect of being a mentor?
Christine placing a holter monitor on a cat.
Finding out about the different paths people took to get into this field. I like to talk about any similar experiences in the field, as well.
What is one thing that you have learned through your time mentoring for MentorVet Tech?
I’ve learned I am definitely not alone when I feel overwhelmed or overworked or under appreciated.
What is the best piece of advice that you have ever received from a mentor or the best piece of advice that you have ever given?
Hospitals cannot run without nurses, so don't ever undervalue your worth.
Christine’s kitty, Prudence, who has no concept of personal space.
Would you recommend volunteering as a mentor for MentorVet to other veterinarians?
Yes—because it's empowering to be a part of something like this.
What is your favorite self-care activity?
Going on a walk by myself and listening to my favorite music or a podcast.
How else do you find joy in life?
When I'm not at work, I am spending time with my husband, Brian, and my kids (Colin age 7 and Maeve almost 4). My pets include one cat and 4 fish. I love Philadelphia sports, especially the Eagles and the Union.
Thank you for sharing with us, Christine!
Christine is a great addition to our MentorVet Tech Community!
We are on-boarding new mentors all the time! — Check out some next steps to be a MentorVet Tech here!