‘Share Why’ Campaign - Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT
At MentorVet are proud to have such an impassioned community of leaders in the Veterinary & Technician field.
Dr. Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT
CVO of Empowering Veterinary Teams, LLC
Director of MentorVet Tech for MentorVet
The ‘Share Why’ campaign is meant to highlight some of the personal experiences that have shaped their careers in the veterinary field, in order to capture some of the purpose and meaning behind the work that we do.
We hope you enjoy this article from our very own Alyssa Mages, BS, CVT, Director of MentorVet Tech, as we hope to inspire the next generation of veterinary professionals to find deeper meaning in their work, to personally identify with similarities in joy & struggles found in the field, and to exemplify healthy self-care tips that allow us to remain working & passionate in the field!
Alyssa, why did you pursue a career in veterinary medicine?
I wanted to do and be more for animals - be the voice for the voiceless.
Why do you continue in this career?
I continue because it's no longer simply the patients who have no voice in our profession, the voices of our veterinary teams have now become lost. I want to ensure that every member of the veterinary team have the resources and support they need in order to be seen, heard and valued.
What motivates you to continue this work?
I have an incredible network of friends and family both within veterinary medicine and externally. My partner and children keep me grounded & focused on what matters most - the love and familial relationships in our lives. I also get outside as much as possible - walking, hiking, biking, paddleboarding (when it's warm), and make sure I get to the gym & pool to keep my body from creaking so much! It's not always go, go, go though - give me a good book, mug of tea, a blanket & my cat and I'm more than content.
What other words of encouragement would you like to provide to the veterinary community?
Remember, no one is "just" anything. Own your awesome!!!
Thank you for sharing with us your reasons why, Alyssa!
We are so thankful for your energy and passion on our staff!